Ted Roman is a very prolific artist. His paintings cover the range from Jackson Pollack to Grandma Moses and everything in between. He has been creating fine art since he was a teenager airbrushing and pin-striping automobiles.
Many of his clients and patrons are corporations who find in his works art that expresses their views of art in the workplace. Often Ted is commissioned to create a piece that fits the corporate tone and fits the style of its environment.
Designers and elegant home owners find Ted's range of styles and sizes give them the opportunity to find the perfect piece of art for their walls. Quite a number of homes in the Atlanta area have Ted Roman originals.


Ted's art.

Many interior designers and corporate clients have a vision for their spaces. It can be a style or a color they wish to match. Ted can accommodate this request. If there is a painting you like and it doesn't quite fit, Ted can create a version of that art to fit your vision, taste and sense of style. Many of Ted's clients have done this.

Your vision.

Homage to Pollock

Paul Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) pioneered an exciting breakaway from the art of the day. His direction is still exciting and explosive. With people often seeing a joy and freedom that inspires their homes or corporate offices. In a day of every image, photograph and painting trying not to offend anyone, Pollock allows for just pure emotion. A universe sense of good feeling.

Ted Roman often paints with the boldness and freedom Pollock introduced but has added his own interpretation to the expressions. Many corporations find this the perfect solution for creating a pleasant mood.
Ted Roman is a very prolific artist. His paintings cover the range from Jackson Pollock to Grandma Moses. He has been creating fine art since he was a teenager airbrushing and pin-striping automobiles. Many of his clients and patrons are corporations who find in his works art that expresses their views. Often Ted is commissioned to create a piece that fits the corporate tone and fits the style of its environment. A number of homes in the Atlanta area have Roman paintings in their personal collections.

Corporate Collection Fine Art

(404) 784-5344
Ted Roman © 2020
web designer: RocketSceince